



Bibliography: from Mercenaries to Private Military Companies

by Olsson Christian Monday 24 April 2006,

Books on Private Military Companies and Mercenaries

►AVANT (Deborah D.), The Market for force : the consequences of privatising security, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005

►BIGO (Didier), OLSSON (Christian), CHAPLEAU (Philippe) et al., Les entreprises de coercition para-privées, de nouveaux mercenaires ?Paris, l’Harmattan, 2003

►CHAPLEAU (Philippe) et MISSER (François), Mercenaires SA, Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 1998

►CHAPLEAU (Philippe), Sociétés militaires privées, enquête sur les soldats sans armées, Paris, Editions du Rocher, 2005

►DAVID (James R.), Fortune’s Warriors : private armies and the New World Order, Douglas&McIntyre, 2002

►GUY (Arnold), Mercenaries. The Scourge of the Third World. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999

►JOXE (Alain), L’Amérique mercenaire, Ed. Stock, 1992

►MAKKI (Sami), Militarisation de l’humanitaire et privatisation du militaire, CIRPES, 2004

►MANDEL (Robert), Armies without States : the privatisation of Security, Boulder Co : Lynne Rienner

►MILLS (Greg), STREMLAU (John) (éd.), The privatisation of Security in Africa, Johannesburg, SAIIA, 1999

►MOCKLER (Anthony), The New Mercenaries, London, Sidwick& Jackson, 1985

►MUSAH (Abdel-Fatau), KAYODE FAYEMI (J.), Mercenaries, an African security dilemma,London, Pluto Press, 1999

►PEGG Scott, Corporate armies for states and state armies for corporations: Adressing the Challenges of Globalisation and Natural Ressource Conflict, Washington DC. American Political Association, 2000

►SHEARER (David), Private Armies and Military Intervention, Adelphi Papers n°316

►SINGER (Peter Warren), Corporate Warrriors, The rise of the privatised military industry, New York, Cornell University Press, 2003

►SILVERSTEIN (Ken), Private Warriors,London,Verso, 2000

►THOMPSON (Janice E), Mercenaries, Pirates and Sovereigns, State-building and Extra-territorial Violence in Early Modern Europe. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994

►VENTER (Al J.), War Dog: fighting other People’s War. The Modern Mercenary in Combat, Casemate publishers, 2003

Articles on Private Military Companies Published in Academic Journals or Books, Presentations at Academic Conventions

►AVANT (Deborah) « Selling Security : Post Cold War Private Security Services in Historical Perspective », The 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 2001

►AVANT (Deborah), «Privatising Military Training», Foreign Policy in Focus, vol.7, n°6, May 2002, http://www.fpif.org/briefs/vol7/v7n06miltrain_body.html

►AVANT (Deborah), « Privatising Military Training: A Challenge to US Army professionalism», in SNIDER (Don M.), WATKINS (Gayle L.) (éd.), The Future of the Army Profession, Boston, McGraw-Hill, 2002, pp.179-196

►AVANT (Deborah), «From Mercenary to Citizen Armies: Explaining Change in the Practice of war», International Organization, vol.54, n°1, Winter 2000, pp.41-47

►AVANT (Deborah), The Market for Force: Exploring the Privatization of Military Services, paper presented at the Council on Foreign Relations Study Group on Arms Trafficking

►AVANT (Deborah), The privatisation of Security and Change in the Control of Force», International Studies Perspectives, 2004, 5 (2), pp. 153-157

►BANEGAS (Richard), De la guerre au maintien de la paix, le nouveau business mercenaire, Critique Internationale, Autumn 98, n°1

►Van BERGEN THIRION (C.J.), The privatisation of Security : A blessing or a Menace. South African Defence College. Research Papers. 1998, http://www.mil.za/

►BIGO (Didier) « Les entreprises de coercition para-privées, de nouveaux mercenaires ? »,Cultures et Conflits, Winter, 2003 pp. 5-10.

►BINDER (Martin), Der Einsatz von Söldnerfirmen durch gawählte Regierungen - eine „Antinomue des Demokratischen Friedens«?«, Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur International Politik und Friedensforschung, n°44, 2004

►BOTA (Christian) «From Mercenaries to PMCs», South African Yearbook of International Law, 1999

►BRAUER (Jurgen), An Economic Perspective on Mercenaries, Military Companies and the Privatisation of Force, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Autumn 1999, vol. XIII, n°1

►BRAYTON (Steven) «Outsourcing War: mercenaries and the Privatisation of Peacekeeping», Journal of International Affairs 55 (2), 2002 pp. 303-329

►CAMPBELL (Gordon L.), «Contractors on the Battlefield : The Ethic of Paying Civilians to Enter Harm’s Way and Requiring Soldiers to Depend upon Them». Springfield VA, Joint Services Conference on Professionnal Ethics, 2000

►Center for Conflict Resolution. «Trust Me I’m a Mercenary» the Lethal Danger of Mercenaries in Africa». Seminar on the «Privatisation of Peacekeeping Institute for Security Studies, 20th February 1997. University of Cape Town, South Africa

►CHAPLEAU (Philippe), « De Bob Denard aux Sociétés Militaires Privées à la Française» Cultures et Conflits, n°52, Winter, 2003, pp.49-67

►CILLIERS (Jakkie), DIETRICH (Christian), «Privatising Peace Enforcement», African Security Review, Vol 5, n°6, 1998, http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/ASR/5No6/Editorial.html

►CLEAVER (Gerry) «Subcontracting Military Power: the privatisation of Security in Contemporary Sub-saharan Africa, Crime», Law and Social Change 33 (1-2),pp. 131-149

►COKER (Christopher), «Outsourcing War», Cambridge Review of international Affairs, Autumn-Winter 1999, vol 13 n°1

►DANIEL (Jean-Philippe), « Les nouveaux mercenaires, ou la privatisation du maintien de la paix », Géopolitique africaine, Winter 2002, n°5

►DIETRICH (Chris) «The Commericalisation of Military Deployment in Africa» African Security Review. 2000, vol.9, n°1

►EDMONDS (Martin), «Defence Privatisation: From State Enterprise to Commercialism», Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Autumn-Winter 1999, vol XIII n°1

►FRANCIS (David), «Mercenary Intervention in Sierra Leone: Providing National Security or International Exloitation», Third World Quarterly, vol. 20, n°2, April 1999, pp.319-338

►FREDLAND (Eric), KENDRY (Adrian), «The Privatisation of Military Force : Economic Virtues, Vices and Government Responsibility», Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Autumn-Winter1999, vol.13, n°1

►FREDLAND (Eric), «Outsourcing Military Force: A transaction Cost Perspective on the Role of Prviate Military Companies», Defence and Peace Economics,Vol. 15, n°3, June 2004, pp.205-219

►HAMPSON (F.J.), «Mercenaries : diagnosis before proscription», Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 1991, p.4

►HARDING (Jeremy), «The Mercenary Business: «Executive Outcomes», The Review of African Political Economy, (71), 1997, pp.87-97

►HASHAM (Mariyam), «Regulating Private Military Companies», Royal Unites Services Institute for Defence Studies

►HOLMQVIST (Caroline), «Private Security Companies: the case for Regulation», SIPRI Policy Paper n°9, January 2005

►HOWE (Herbert M.) «Private Security Forces and African Stability: The Case of Executive Outcomes», The Journal of Modern African Studies 36 (2), 1998, pp.307-331

►HOWE (Herbert M.), «Global Order and Security Privatisation», Strategic Forum, n°140, May 1998, http://www.ndu/edu/inss/strforum/SF140/forum140.html,

►ISENBERG (David), «Have Lawyer, Accountant and Guns, Will Fight: the New Post-Cold War Mercenaries». Papier présenté à l’International Studies Association Convention. Washington, DC, February 1999

►KASSEBAUM (David), «A Question of Facts - The legal Use of Private Security Firms in Bosnia», Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 38(3), pp.581-602

►KINSEY (Christopher), «Le Droit International et le Contrôle des Mercenaires et des Compagnies Militaires Privées », Cultures et Conflits, n°52, Winter, 2003, pp.91-117

►KRAHMANN (Elke), «Private Firms and the New Security Governance», Paper presented for the 43th Annual Convention of the ISA, New Orleans, March 2002

►KRAHMANN (Elke), «Controlling Private Military Services in the UK and Germany: Between Partnership and Regulation», European Security,Vol. 13, n°2, 2005

►KLEN (Michel), «Le retour des mercenaires», Etudes, 392 (4), October 1999, pp. 319-328

►KRITSIOTIS (Dino), «Mercenaries and the Privatisation of warfare», Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 1998, vol.22, n°2, p.11

►LEANDER (Anna), « Global Ungovernance : Mercenaries, States and the Control Over Violence», www.copri.dk

►LEANDER (Anna), The Commodification of Violence, Private Military Companies and African States, www.copri.dk

►LEANDER (Anna), «African States and the Market for Force: The Destabilizing Consequences of Private Military Companies», University of Soutern University, Political Science Publication n°6/2004

►LEANDER (Anna), «The Power to Construct International Security: On the significance of Private Military Companies», Millenium:Journal of International Studies,vol. 33, n°3, June 2005, pp. 803-826

►LEANDER (Anna), Private agency and the definition of Public Security Concerns: The Role of Private Military Companies» in Huysmans, Jef, Dobson, A., Prokhovnik, R., The Politics of Protection, Sites of Insecurity and Political Agency,Routledge, 2006

►LECHERVY (Christian), « Définir le Mercenaire puis Lutter contre Mercenariat «Entrepreneurial»: un Projet de Gouvernement»,Cultures et Conflits, n°52, Winter, 2003, pp.91-117

►LOCK (Peter), « Notiz Zur Rolle Privater Militärfirmen in Gewaltsamen Konflikten«, www.libertysecurity.org

►LOCK (Peter), Ein Indikator für Globale Veränderungen: Privatisierung von Sicherheit - eine Hreausforderung für Friendensforschung? In GRUNDMANN (Martin), HUMMEL (Hartwig) (éd.), Militär und Politik - Ende der Eindeutigkeiten, Zum Wandel institutionalisierter Gewalt, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 1998, pp.178-201

►LOCK (Peter), Military downsizing and Growth in the Security Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Strategic Analysis,Vol XXII, n°9, December 1998, pp.1393-1426

►LOCK (Peter), Sicherheit à la carte? Entstaatlichung, Gawaltmärke und Privatisierung des Staatlichen Gezwaltmonopols, in BRUHL (Tanja) (éd), Die privatisierung des Weltpolitik, Entstaatlichung und Kommerzialisierung im Globalisierungsprozess, Bonn, J.H.W. Dietz Nachf. 2001, pp.82-103

►LOCK (Peter), Privatierung des Militärs oder der Sicherheit? In Sozialismus, Jg.31 Heft 9/2004, pp. 52-55

►LYNCH (Tony), WALSH (A.J.), The Good mercenary, Journal of Political Philosophy 8, pp.133-153

►MALAN (Mark), CILLIERS (Jakkie), Mercenaries and Mischief: the Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Bill, Occasional Paper n°25, Institute of Security Studies, 1997, South Africa, http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/PAPERS/25/Paper25.html

►MANDEL(Robert), The Privatisation of Security», Conference Paper, ISA, 41th Annual Convention, LA, 2000 March, http://www.ciaonet.org/isa/mar01/

►MANDEL (Robert), «The privatisation of Security», Armed Forces and Society 28, 1, pp.129-151

►MÖLLER (Björn), « Private Military Companies and Peace Operations in Africa », paper presented at the seminar on Private Military Companies in Africaat the University of Pretoria, 8 February 2002

►MAKKI (Sammi), « Privatisation de la sécurité et transformation de la guerre », in Politique étrangère,April, 2004

►NOSSAL (Kim Richard), « Roland Goes Cororate : Mercenaries and Transnational Security Corporations in the Post-Cold War Era », Civil Wars, 1(1), Summer 1998, pp.16-35

►O’BRIEN (Kevin A.), «PMCs, Myths and Mercenaries: the debate on private military companies». Royal United Service Institute Journal, February 2000, http ://www.kcl.ac.uk/orgs/icsa/Old/pmcs.html

►O’BRIEN (Kevin A.) «Military-Advisory Groups and African Security: Privatised Peace-keeping», International Peacekeeping, 5 (3), August 1998, pp.78-105

►OCQUETEAU (Frédéric), L’Etat face au commerce de la sécurité», L’année Sociologique, (40), 1990, pp.97-124

►OLSSON (Christian), « Vrai procès et faux débats : perspectives critiques sur les entreprises de coercition para-privées », Cultures et Conflits,n°52,2003, pp.11-49

►OLSSON (Christian) ‘PMCs in Iraq, A force for good?’, available on: www.libertysecurity.org, 2004

►ORTIZ (Carlos), «Regulating Private Military Companies: States and the Expanding Business of Commercial Security Provision» in Global Regulations. Managing Crises after the Imperial Turn.L. ASSASSI, D; WIGAN and K. VAN DER PIJL (eds), 2004, pp.205-219

►ORTIZ (Carlos). «Embryonic Multinational Corporations and Private Military Companies in the Expansion of the Early-Modern Overseas Charter System.», Paper prepared for the 47th Annual ISA Convention, San Diego, 22-25 March 2006

►PECH (Khareen), «Executive Outcomes - corporate conquest» in Jackie Cilliers and MASON (Peggie), (éd.), Peace,Profit, or Plunder: The Privatisation of Security in War-Torn African Societies, Pretoria, Institute for Security Studies, 1999

►PEROUSE DE MONTCLOS (Marc-Antoine), «Pétrôle et Sécurité Privée au Nigeria : un Complexe Multiforme à l’Epreuve du Syndrome de Monaco »,Cultures et Conflits,n°52,2003, pp.117-139

►RENO (William), «The new role for Private armies in inter-state ‘peace-making’ relations», International Politics 37, 1, pp.57-74

►RENO (William), «Privatising War in Sierra Leone», Current History, vol.96, n°610, May, 1997, pp.227-231

►RIGAUD (Elodie), « Janice E. Thompson: le mercenariat comme forme socio-historique de coercition privée », Cultures & Conflits,n°52, 2003 pp.139-154

►SHEARER (David), « Outsourcing War », Foreign Policy, Autumn 1998, n°112

►SHEARER (David), «Private Military Froce and Challenge for the Future», Cambridge Review of International affairs, Autumn-Winter 1999, vol XIII, n°1.

►SEREWICZ (Lawrence W.), « Globalization, Sovereignty and the Military Revolution : From Mercenaries to Private International Security Companies, International Politics, 39 (1), 2002 pp. 75-89.

►SINGER (Peter W.) « Corporate Warriors : The Rise and Ramifications of the Privatized Military Industry », International Security,Winter 2001-2002

►SINGER (Peter W.), 3 «War, Profits and the Vacuum of Law: Privatsed Military Firms and International Law», Columbia Journal of International Law; vol. 42, 2003, p.521

►SMITH (Eugene B.), «The New Condottieri and US Policy: the Privatization of Conflict and its implications. Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly. Winter 2002-2003, vol.32, n°4, http ://carlisle-www.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/02winter/smith.pdf

►SPEARIN (Christopher), « Private Security Companies and Humanitarians : A corporate Solution to Securing Humanitarian Spaces », International Peacekeeping, 8(1), 2001, pp.20-43

►TAULBEE (James Larry), « Mercenaries, Private Armies and Security Companies in Contemporary Policy », International Politics 37(4), 2000 pp. 433-456

►THOMPSON (Janice E.), State practices, International Norms, and the decline of Mercenarism », International Studies Quarterly, 34 (1) 1990, pp.23-47

►TREVES (Tullio), La Convention de 1989 sur les mercenaires, Annuaire Français de Droit International, n°36, 1990, p. 520

►UESSELER (Rolf), «Neue Kriege, Neue Söldner, Private Militärfirmen und Globale Interventionsstrategien, in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, March 2005, pp.323-333

►WILLIAMS (Michael C.) Abrahamsen (Rita) «Privatisation, Globalisation and the Politics of Protection in South Africa», in Huysmans, Jef, Dobson, A., Prokhovnik, R., The Politics of Protection, Sites of Insecurity and Political Agency,Routledge, 2006

►ZARATE (Juan Carlos), «The emergence of a New Dog of War: Private International Security Companies, International Law and the New World Disorder», Stanford Journal of International Law34, 1, pp. 75-1

Press Articles and Other Articles on Private Military Companies and on Mercenarism

►ADAMS (Thomas K.), Private Military Companies: Mercenaries for the 21st century, Small Wars and Insurgencies,vol. 13 n°2, 2002

►ADAMS (Thomas K.), «The New Mercenaries and the Privatization of Conflict, Parameters US Army War College Quarterly.Été,1999 vol. 24, n°2, pp. 103-116

►ANDROMIDAS (Dean), «Defense System Ltd: Crown Jewel», Executive Intelligence Review, 22 August, 1997

►BACKMAN (René), « Sécrets des mercenaires israéliens », Le Nouvel Observateur,10-16 June

►BAYART (Jean-François), Même la guerre se privatise, Croissance, n°416, June 1998

►BAZARGAN (Darius), UK-high risk Business, Guardian,September 1997

►BEAUMONT (Peter), LEE BUTTERS (Andrew), « L’insécurité ? Une aubaine ! », Courrier International n°710, 10-16 June 2004

►BEAVER (Paul), New World armies, Jane’s Intelligence Review, May 1997

►BOEMCKEN (Marc Von), «The Business of War», University of Peace, December 2003, http://www.sandline.com/hotlinks/Peace-Conflics-Mon_EC573D.html

►BORGER (Julian), Des mercenaires dans la guerre, Courrier International n° 710

►BORGER (Julian), HODGSON (Martin), « US Proxy War on Drug Barons Unravels », The Guardian, 2 June 2001

►BOUCHERON (Patrick), «Machiavel et la fin des mercenaires», L’Histoire, July-August 2002, n°267, p.28-32

►BOURGE (Christian), «Analysis : Mercenary as future peacekeeper ?», Washington Times, 25 August 2003

►BRADLEY (Graham), «Ex-Gis Work to give Bosnian Force a Fighting Chance», The Washinton Post, 29 January 1997

►BROOKES (Julian), The Pentagon’s Private Corps, Mother Jones Magazine, 22 October 2003, http://www.motherjones.com/news/update/2003/43/we_597_01html

►BROOKS (Doug), «The Business End of Military Intelligence: Private Military Companies», www.fas.org/rp/agency/army/tradoc/usaic/mipb/1999-3/.htm

►BROOKS (Doug), «Don’t Kill the Cavalry: Rational Regulation for PMCs», 44rth Annual ISA Convention, Portland (OR), February-March, 2003

►BROOKS (Doug), «A private Military», The New York Times, 15 May 2002

►BROOKS (Doug), «A new twist on a long Military Tradition», Boston Globe, 19 October 2003, www.sandline.com/hotlinks/Boston_Globe-New8Twost.html

►BROOKS (Doug), «Write a Cheque, End a War», Conflict Trends, n°6, July 2000

►BROOKS (Doug), «Help For Beleaguered Peacekeepers», Washington Post, 2 June 2003

►BROOKS (Doug), «Forum: the dogs of peace», Post-Gazette, 7 March 1999

►BROOKS (Doug), «Why Mercenaries Matter in Africa», Africa Analysis, 23 March 2001

►BROOKS (Doug), «Hope for the «Hopeless Continent»: Mercenaries, Traders» Journal for the Southern African Region, 3, July-October 2000

►BURTON-ROSE (Daniel) et MADSEN (Wayne), «Corporate Soldiers: the US Government Privatises the Use of Force», Multinational Monitor, vol 20, n°3, March 1999

►BROWN (Justin), «The Rise of the Private-sector Military. In era of shrinking armed forces, America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid», Christian Science Monitor, 5 July 2000, http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/2000/07/05/fp3s1-csm.shtml

►CATAN (Thomas), «Private Armies March into a Legal Vacuum», 6 May 2005, http://news.ft.com/cms/s/66d5a032-7b0e-11d9-a3ea-00000e2511c8.html

►CATAN (Thomas), «Private military Companies: Seeking a change of image», Financial Times, 1 December 2004, http://news.ft.com/cms/fa3e1b0-42bb-11d9-bea1-00000e2511c8.html

►CHALIAND (Gérard), « Nouveaux mercenaires, les entreprises militaires privées aujourd’hui », Armées d’aujourd’hui n°230

►CHAPLEAU (Philippe), « Privatisation de la paix » in Politique Internationale, n°103, Spring 2004

►CHAPLEAU (Philippe), MISSER (François), « Le retour des mercenaires », Politique Internationale, Spring, 2002

►CHAPLEAU (Philippe), « Le contrat Irakien de l’ancien commando de marine », Ouest-France, 14 November 2003

►CHAPLEAU (Philippe), « Le boom de la sécurité privée en Irak », Ouest-France, 2 November, 2003

►CHATTERJEE, Pratap, « Cheney’s Close Ties to Brown and Root, Special to CorpWatch», 20 March, 2003

►CHATTERJEE (Pratap), «Guarding the Multinationals: DSL and the International Private «Security Business», Multinational Monitor, March 1998, http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com

►CHATTERJEE (Pratap), «Mercenary Armies and Mineral Wealth», http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/New_World_Order/Mercenaries_Minerals.html

►CHICK (Dustin), «Mercenary Groups Discussed», Business Day, 11 December 1998, www.bday.co.za/98/1211/news/

►CONESA (Pierre), «Modernes mercenaires de la sécurité», Le Monde Diplomatique,April 2003

►COOK (Tanya), «Dogs of War or Tommorow’s Peacekeepers», 2002, htpp://www.sandline.com/hotlinks/Culture_Role-mercs-Cook.html

►CORCORAN (Mark), «Gunship for Hire, Australian Broadcasting Corporation», 28 September 2000, http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/stories/s229144.htm

►CREEHAN (Sean), Soldiers of Fortune, 500 International Mercenaries, Harvard International Review, Winter 2002

►DAO (James), «Threats and Responses: Security; US Company to Take Over Karzai Safety», New York Times, 19 September 2002, http://query.nytimes.com/

►DIDIER (François), « Plus de chasse gardée pour les chiens de guerre français. Le grand bazar des mercenaires », Libération, 4 February 1999

►DOMINGUEZ (François), VIGNAUX (Barbara), Le Monde diplomatique,« Des entreprises de sécurité au contours flous », August 2003

►DOMINGUEZ (François), VIGNAUX (Barbara), Le Monde diplomatique,« La nébuleuse des mercenaires français », August 2003

►DUFFY (Michael), «When Private Armies Take to the Front Lines», Time Magazine, vol 163, n°15, 12 April 2004, http://www.sandline.com/hotlinks/Time-Private_Armies.html

►DUFOUR (Jean-Louis), « Les nouveaux chiens de guerre », Revue Défense, March 1999, n°83

►DYER (Gwynne), « Prison cell, Not Riches, Awaits Mercenaries in Africa », Toronto Star, 16 September, 2004

►DZANIC (Enis), Erik (Norman), «Retraining the Federation Forces in post-Dayton Bosnia», Jane’s Intelligence Review, January 1998

►EYAL (Jonathan), Africa’s peacekeeping Problem, BBC News, 10 May 2000, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/743249.stm

►FABRICIUS (Peter), «Mercenary Law Overlooks a Hired Gun Solution», The Star, 1 August 2003

►FABRICIUS (Peter) «Stop Havoc. Let loose the dogs of war», Johannesburg Star, 12 May 2000

►FABRICIUS (Peter), «Private Security firms Can End Africa’s Wars Cheaply», Saturday Star, 23 September 2000

►FELDSTEIN (Martin), « The case of privatisation», Foreign Affairs, July-August 1997, vol.76, n°4

►FEVROT (Olivier), LA BURGADE (Denis de), «La répression de l’activité mercenaire», Défense Nationale, June 2002

►FIDDLER (Stephen), «Private Security : Operating in a Troubling Legal Vacuum», Financial Times, 6 May 2005, http://news.ft.com/

►FIKELE-NTSIKELELO (Moya), Hiring ‘Thugs’ to keep peace, Mail&Guardian, 22 November 2003, http://www.mg.co.za/articledirect.aspx?articleid=33897&area=%2finsight_africa%2f

►FISHER-THOMPSON (Jim), «Private Firms have Role to Play in Peace Operations in Africa», 23 October 2003, http://www.sandline.com/hotlinks/AllAfrica-PMCs_Africa.html

►FISHER-THOMPSON (Jim), «Contracting for Peace is Rational Approach, Says Scholar», 28 November 2003, http://www.sandline.com/hotlinks/Washington_File-Rational.html

►FISK (Robert), CARRELL (Severin), «Britain’s secret army in Iraq»,The Independant, 28 March 2004, http://news.independant.co.uk

►FRITZ (Nicole), «Would it be so terrible if the dogs of war bit?», The Star,15 March, 2004

►FORSYTH (Frederick), «Send in the dogs of War», The Daily Mail, 16 May 2000

►GANTZ (Peter H.), «The Private Sector’s Role in Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement», Refugees International Bulletin, 18 November 2003, http://www.refugeesinternational.org/content/article/detail/918

►GAUL (Matt), «Regulating the new privateers: Private Military Service Contracting anf the Modern Marque and Reprisal Clause», http://faculty.ils.edu/ manheimk/ns/gaul2.htm

►GOULET (Yves), «MPRI - Washington freelance advisors», Jane’s Intelligence Review,Vol 10, n°7, July 1998

►GOULET (Yves), «Executive Outcomes, Mixing business with bullets», Jane’s Intelligence Review, September 1997

►GONGORA (Thierry), TESSIER (Manon), «Les sociétés internationales de sécurité: menaces ou signes des temps?», Institut Québecois des hautes études internationales, Bulletin, Le Maintien de la paix, n°45, 2000

►GRANT (Bruce D.) «US Military Expertise for Sale: Private Military Consultants as a Tool of Foreign Policy. Institute forNational Strategic Studies», 1996 http://www;ndu.edu/inss:books:essaysch4.html

►GRAVES (David), GURDON (Hugo), «US Says Sandline Experts Helped Overthrow Rebels», the Telegraph, london, 14 May 1998, www.telegraph.co.uk

►GROSS (Terry), «The Iraq War was the «first privatized war», Fresh Air, 9 July 2003,

►HAZAN (Pierre), « l’Afrique, terre de mercenaires - l’ONU dénonce leur rôle croissant », Libération, 23 March 2001

►HARDING (Thomas), «Crisis as SAS men quit for lucrative Iraq jobs», The Telegraph, 14 February 2005, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

►HARI (Johan), «This nightmare world full of privatised armies»,in The Independant, 14 November 2004

►HARKER (John), «The growing reality of Security-for-Profit», Ploughshares Monitor, September 1998

►HARTUNG (William D.), «Mercenaries Inc.: How a US Company Props Up the House of Saud», The Progressive, April 1996, http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0513-06.htm

►HARTUNG(William D.), «War:just whose business is it anyway?», Asia Times Online, 10 March, http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FC10Ak01.html

►HARTUNG(WilliamD.),«BombingsBring US Executive Mercenaries Into the Light», Los Angeles Times, 16 May 2003, http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0516-05.htm

►HECHT (David), «Why War Zones Love Monopolies», Fortune, 17 May 2004, http://www.fortune.com/fortune/brainstorm/0,15704,638966,00.html

►HELYAR (John), «Fortunes of War», Fortune, 13 July 2004, http://www.fortune.com/fortune/articles/0,15114,662668,00.html

►HOWE (Herbert), «To stabilize Tottering African Governments», Armed Forces Journal International,Spring 1997

►»Interview with Lt Col. Tim Spicer», Cambidge Review of international Affairs, Autumn-Winter 1999, vol 13, n°1

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