



Photo Gallery

Pedro Marangoni

Predo Marangoni, today, 60 years old

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Book "A opção pela espada" (Option ByTthe Sword)
The portuguese special troops  Remedios, with a victim of the minefield near Panguila Lagoon Angola
ELNA Special Command marching against Balacende, after conquering the village of Quicabo.
Spanish Foreign Legion training camp in Tafia, Island of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. (I'm the first left) 1979
The beginning of the mission: military pilot in Brazilian Air Force from 1968 to 1971
The defensive group positioned in Rio Onzo. On the left is captain Valdemar, a former Portuguese army officer, on the far right, "Passarão" (big bird), a former enemy,from Faplas,now on our side.   Explosion of the bridge "Freitas Morna," during the FNLA retreat towards the border of Zaire, after the defeat at the Battle of Quifangondo and advancement of large armored column of Cuban Army   Accident with  Auster FNLA plane in Carmona, Angola, 1975   Panhard hits land mine in Barra do Dande, Angola, the offensive against marxist Fapla9  

Special Command in Ambriz ready for combat with a Panhard 90.Da left to right: Lieutenant Paes who died at the Battle of Quifangondo, SiMoes the driver was injured in Quifangondo, Captain Marangoni and behind is Remedios who was wounded and captured in Quifangondo.

Panhard 90 of the Light Cavalry of the Tercio Don Juan de Austria, Legion III, Island of Fuerteventura 1979   Renamo through the difficult Rhodesia-Mozambique border.   Desert Land Rovers. Gun powder and beer   Legionaries drinking "sangria" a Spanish drink with  wine and fruit.   Comandante (Captain) Marangoni with his Panhard 90 in position Onzo River, Angola
Leaflets dropped on the enemy's capital, Luanda, by FNLA aircraft   Mission order signed by Holden Roberto for special commands  

Spanish Legion 1979-Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura. Kim, 7th Battalion korean.

  Marangoni and Andre Matsangaissa 2005, through this photo published in a local newspaper the Mozambicans were now able to face up to the legendary commander of Renamo, who died in combat against Frelimo in 1979. Today, André Matssangaissa is considered the historical founder of Renamo.   In a trench in Beestkraal, Rhodesia. The gun is a Russian RPG.

Battle of Quifangondo with the positions of the FNLA enemy. With approx possition of Fapla and Cuban Army. It is the only known map of the Quifangondo battle to the present day

  Training the Renamo's second group. Local farms of Special Branch in Beestkraal, Odzi, Rhodesia.   Pancracio the bullfighter, an officer from regular troop of ELNA (national liberation army of Angola) with his car in Ambriz, Angola.   The birth of Renamo, Rhodesia 1976.On the  left blue hat Rui, who was wounded in the first mission of the Resistance in Mozambique, captured and later shot by Frelimo firing squad  

All the above photos are taken from Pedro Marangoni's book 'Option By The Sword'

© Copyright Pedro Marangoni. 2009

Fort de Nogenta French fortress in Fonteneu sur le Bois, Paris, the recruitment office of the Foreign Legion "Citadelle", another ancient fortress in the town of Corte, on the island of Corsica, where he began as a recruit in the Foreign Legion Ambriz, an Angolan ancient Portuguese fortress, and the headquarters of the FNLA forces in 1975 Cóbue, Niassa, Mozambique. Village Church that was burned by Frelimo in a terrorist attack
Cóbue barracks, where the author of the "Option by the Sword" had his baptism of fire on August 02, 1974. Two men against two groups of 8 terrorists each.The two men won ...
The "Flechas"(Arrows) special forces of the portuguese political police (DGS)
The "Flechas" training instinctive shooting "Hill of Asphalt" The "Special Commands" remnants of the Battle of Quifangondo. In the center photo, black shirt, Col Santos e Castro, a brave man
Order of Mission of the Spanish Legion
The Portuguese FNLA commandos captured by Cuban/Fapla
-"Major Andre" (nickname), chief of the explosives team and Major Alves Cardoso, Commander of the Arrow
      Map of northern Mozambique, Lake Nyasa and the bases of Metangula (Portuguese Navy) and Cóbue, where the fighting of August 2,1974 took place.

All the above photos are also in his book but have been taken from the net

If you think you hold the copyright please get in touch so we can give you the credit you deserve